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Grace Baptist Church Alloa

Grace Baptist Church – Alloa, Paton Conference Room, Whins Road, Alloa, UK


Church Description

Across Scotland, where lifestyles and congregations have changed, many towns and villages are left without a church that believes and shares the gospel. While we rejoice in all God’s people who faithfully do - In late 2021 Ali McLachlan was commissioned by Grace Baptist Church in Edinburgh to plant a new church in Alloa. With 40,000 people within 3 miles of its centre, Alloa is a place where many do not know and have not heard the saving good news of Jesus. Those who now gather on a Sunday want to see God glorified, the church built up and the lost saved.


+44789124 8926


Ali McLachlan

Meeting Times

Sunday Service – 4pm
Thursday Home Bible Study & Prayer Meeting – 7:30pm

Church Location

Grace Baptist Church – Alloa, Paton Conference Room, Whins Road, Alloa, UK

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